Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The Little Things

And sometimes the bigger things, too. Today has been a day full of them and it’s only 11:02. This morning I dropped my car off at the dealer, since my normal mechanic (who give me the best-ever deal) couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I just got the call, and they need to replace a $393 part, that’s not including labor. I expect another call from good ole Jim at the service center telling me the last few things they find, anytime now. Okay, take a deep breath. That’s what savings are for.

For some reason, my mind has been longing for days gone by. When my married friends were single and we still hung out. Did you ever notice that when the status-change happens, you either gain a friend (the new spouse) or you lose a friend? Things just change when marriage happens. Not only for the two who tied the knot, but for every single person that interacted with the couple as individuals when they still had free time to burn. I’m feeling the losses today. Losses in friendships, events, calls, hang-out time, I could go on. But life is full of changes, just one more I have to get used to.

When it all comes down to it, these are ‘little things.’ And we aren’t promised an easy ride on this spinning globe. But we do know the end of the story….we know who has overcome the world and I need to take comfort in that. I need to have peace. Because the same way the little things get us down, the little things can pick us up. Like the way the sun is pouring through my window right now, almost blinding me with it’s brightness. Like my phone ringing, 45 seconds after the dealer called me with my car news, and my Dad saying hello. That he was thinking of me and wondering how my car was. Take comfort in the little things that come and let them bring a smile to your face. He is good, and loves to give good gifts to His children.

Melissa introduced me to a new artist, Mindy Smith, this morning. And she has a song called Down In Flames that is perfect for my day today, some of the lyrics are:

Life's so hard, it's the little things that seem to be getting me today. Yeah, life's so hard, but I'm doing what I can- not to be down while I'm going down in flames.

Life's so hard, it's the little things that seem to be saving me today. Life's so hard but I'm doing what I can- I'm putting out the flames.

Don’t miss the little things….

0 whatevers: