Monday, October 30, 2006

We all have those days...

Yesterday afternoon I awoke from my afternoon nap, stretching and making Aspen jump from her napping spot on my lower legs, and rolled off the couch. I sat up and immediately realized I should have rolled over and started again, cuz I had a case of the grumpies =o/ Phil just chuckled at me, I must have been a sight as I scurried to the kitchen to start the corn choweder I had to make for House Church. Sundays have become quite the marathon lately....maybe a catch-up nap is more of a detriment.

I am beginning to think those grumpies have rolled into a case of the Monday's ... because today is going just about the same. I get an email encouragement from my husband to "...not be a grumpy berry or a cranky Kristi today..." lol Yes, it did make a smile creep accross the corner of my mouth.

As I'm still bundled up in my coat and scarf as I sit in my office, cuz I'm freezing...I feel like a warm cinnamon roll would turn the tide. Mm....cinnamongooeygoodness.... Maybe. Maybe not.

0 whatevers: