Tuesday, May 11, 2004


My roomies are the greatest!

But we hardly ever see each other. Reason being, we all work COMPLETELY different shifts. I head out the door in the morning and work 8am-5pm. Amanda rolls out of bed in time to get to her job from 3pm-11pm. And, if Amber isn't sleeping when I come home, I may catch her befor she jumps into her Jeep workbound from 11pm-7am. So, you see how we completely miss each other in day-to-day life? That is why a week ago they told me to keep May 15th open. Because that is the only shared day off all 3 of us have this month, and they want to take me out for my birthday that day (early, my bday isn't till May 27, but that's okay by me). We have to really coordinate and plan if we want roomie-hangout time.

If you know me, you know how I can't stand anticipation! I just wanna know right now! And they both know this, which is why they chose to tell me early and keep me in suspense about the details. Yesterday morning I stumbled groggily into the bathroom, and notied a large card sitting on the counter. My picture was on the front of I opened it up. Creative, homemade cards are just the best, aren't they? Inside I found some inspiring notes as well as a brochure for Mantra Day Spa, with the instructions to choose 2 of the hilighted options! Wow....I get to have a pedicure AND a massage of my choice! And they said this is only part #1 of 'Queen Kristi Day.' Yep. I'm spoiled. I can handle it once a year =o)

Here's to intuitive, thoughtful, creative roomies..... I'll let you know how it goes.

1 whatevers:

Kristi said...

Still trying to picture myself there...cuz it's been rescheduled and postponed more times that you can imagine! I guess it's harder than we thought to get 3 roomies together on ONE day at a spa...when all 3 of us work different shifts. heh...soon, soon....