Saturday, December 25, 2004

Halfway Done...

A holiday of family bonding....the first half is done...the half at my Mom's house. The last night of a time of brother bonding, hot tubbing, margarita sipping, mom chatting, karaoke singing, christmas eve servicing, not snowing, holiday baking, present opening and sleeping in. It was wonderful to have this much time off, that I can spend a whole week at my Mom's (whose turn it was to have me for Christmas) AND make it to my Dad's for a few days too! I better not get used to that, heh.

Tomorrow, I head to Erie where my puppy will be waiting for me, as well as 3 huggable sisters, family fun, more presents, probably arm twisting for me to play Christmas songs on my flute, and who knows what else...but it's sure to be great. Because all too soon it will be time to head back to my place in Ohio and to my routine and out. Not that I don't love it there too...cuz that is definately where God has me for this moment. But I don't want these next few days to rush by leaving me pummeled in their wake. I want to savor every hour...attach meaning and memory to evey moment...welcome the love of Christ into every action, thought, and word. I want to be intentional. And a Merry Christmas to all...

0 whatevers: