Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Help me believe....

In the midst of many things going awry, or my unmet expectations [read: unrealistic standards] raising their ugly heads, and my lingering 'offness' lately.....there are things that still make me smile =o)

After well-behaved dog starts randomly 'going' sweet husband calls on his way home and asks if I want him to stop [wherever I choose] for a cool coffee drink.

After sweet step-daughter pulls up the 'weed' [which is possibly the re-start of my purple cone flower] and exitedly calls me out to see the huge weed she pulled....she then goes on to encourage me in a way only she can.

After going thru a spell of MASSIVE sister of them informs me of the plans lining up for her to possibly come to visit the week my husband is out of town for business.


Bike rides.

Pansies velvet faces.

Planting seeds in the soil.

God is good, beyond my wildest imagination.

Take me back to the time when I was maybe eight or nine- and I believed.
When Jesus walked on waters blue and If he helped me I could too- If I believed.

Help me believe 'cause I don't want to miss any miracles.
Maybe I'd see much better by closing my eyes.
And I would shed this grown up skin I'm in to touch an Angels wing.
And I would be free.
Help me believe.

-Nichole Nordeman

1 whatevers:

Anonymous said...

You are awesome and open. I love you :)