An evening of many random stops..
A Friday night with nothing to do ends up a completely relaxing evening. I got word that Phil was playing a set at A Coffee Affair and decided to stop by, anytime with Phil singing/playing is a treat. After a quick IM conversation, Amber agreed to venture out as well…but in separate vehicles, since she would go straight to work at 11 pm. As usual, the tiny coffee shop was packed with acoustic lovers and I assumed my place (Candy Bar Latte in hand) along the crowded wall as conversation and coffee aroma filled the air. The band before Phil was still playing when we showed up, and going long….which bumped Phil to only being able to play songs out of the set he had planned. He, along with his faithful following, were greatly dismayed.
Next stop…Phil Chu’s stomach directed us to Chili’s where our friend was working tonight. Amber and I had already eaten enough to satisfy us, so despite much tempting by the Molten Chocolate Cake, we settled on the bottomless Mango Tea to nurse as we socialized. Conversation waning….what next? Borders, of course!
Borders, bound, Amber and I caravan to the literary and musical oasis. We meander over to the 50% off racks to see if anything cries out ‘Take me home.‘ Then wander over to the vast sea of music. Peeking over CD’s we notice Brian has also joined us in the land of many genres. Debating weather or not to purchase ANOTHER fine coffee beverage this evening….we decide against it and continue to meander and chat until Amber has to leave for work.
Final destination…home. But on the way the Krispy Kreme ‘HOT NOW’ light beckoned, and I gave in. Fresh donuts at 11:00 pm now await my roomies when they come in from their various work shifts.
It’s been awhile since I lived the life of a ‘hangout junkie’… this unplanned evening turned randomly busy. I really enjoyed it and was reminded of the special ness of community. How being comfortable and familiar with others in the body of Christ actually helps connect His body. And this community that I talk about cannot simply be found during the hour or more you spend at a building on a Sunday morning. It comes from Friday night hangouts, Saturday ministering opportunities, coffee break confiding, and spur-of-the moment prayer. How is community effecting and being seen in your life?
Saturday, February 28, 2004
Thoughts by Kristi on 2/28/2004 0 whatevers
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Why are you smiling?
Do you ever have a day when you feel like a goober because as you are walking down the hall it suddenly occurs to you that you've had a big grin plastered on your face? I've had a few days like that this week....which blows me away, because nothing smile-worthy has happend to warrant the showing of pearly whites. In fact, the week started off rough as I fought a cold, was overwhelmed by 'office stuff', and was forced by the weather to bundle up more than I wanted to this time of year. As I duck back to my desk before someone asks 'Hey, what are YOU smiling about?', I begin to ponder the reason behind my favorable facial expression.
• The sun is shining.
• I got a good amount of sleep last night.
• I'm wearing a fun sparkley blue shirt (always makes me smile).
• I had time for breakfast this am and my tummy is happy.
• My hair cooperated today and that makes me feel good.
• My doggie licks me and wags her tail whenever she sees me.
• Roomates who are kindred spirits.
• I have a family that loves me- and each member chatted on my cell last night about all they want me to know about what is going on in their life.
• My Saviour who died for ME wants to spend time with me.
• Jesus is risen.
• I'm forgiven, secure, and heavenbound.
No, I did not get a raise, the love of my life did not proclaim his feelings for me, there were no flowers sitting on my desk when I came into work.....but as I found out, there are still PLENTY of reasons to smile, to yourself, to others. Let me look like a goober, and let people ask me WHY I'm smiling. I'll tell them, and hopefully they will smile too =o)
Thoughts by Kristi on 2/25/2004 0 whatevers
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Yes...I made it back to flat Ohio after spending almost a week in mountainous Washington state. Such beautiful country! But i brought back with me a wonderful sinus infection, which I am trying to coax out of my system. Pictures and trip update to come...stay tuned.
Thoughts by Kristi on 2/18/2004 0 whatevers
Monday, February 09, 2004
"The average Christian that I meet today is the spiritual equivalent of a dry well. The outer form of the well is there and fairly recognizable, but deep down there's no water. Go deep enough into most people and you hit a brittle, dusty parchment of faith. What happened to promises of 'living water', of light burdens and easy yokes, of 'peace that passeth all understanding'? What happened to lights that shine in dark places and moving mountains and 'mounting up with wings of eagles'? What happened to faith that was so powerful it drove a group of guys in the fishing business to walk away from all that they'd built, just to follow a guy they'd never even met before?" >>>
This is definately something that has been building in the back of my mind over the last few months. Also the truth about HONESTLY being in Love with Jesus. In church yesterday we sang a song with a chorus that went "I am so in love with, I am so in love with, I am so in love with You my Lord, My God." I stood there with my arms wrapped around my body and my eyes closed. I couldn't sing those words. My mouth wouldn't open. Everything else around me was fast-paced and vibrant. I wanted to be in my own little room and cry. Because this is my strong DESIRE...but I feel so far from being able to say those words. I am so in love with you.
Why is that? Well, because I feel like there are so many other things vying for my love in this world around me. Some things have a bit of my love-more than I would consciously want to give them. Some things are soo close to having me reciprocate. Others I want to give my love to, but it seems almost unfathomable to really happen. So when love is cluttered up by SO many smaller recipients, how much love is left to give the the one who is Himself LOVE?
So the process begins of sorting out the 'less wild lovers' that take up more than they should of this precious thing. When tryin to let go and sever some of the ties, it hurts just as much as any human relationship coming to an end. It's just as hard. And there are just as many reminders all around you, that beg for my lingering thought or longing. But I want that no more, so I choose to not remember. To not be swayed. To call upon LOVE to help me in this process.
One more step closer to the 'living water' and the 'consuming fire' that I so completely yearn for. Every day is another step. I just have to take it. But I'm not alone on this journey. LOVE brings many encouragers along the way, and LOVE is always there to give me strength when I have none of my own to rely on.
Rus summed things up best: "...I am bored. And what I don't need is more 'Purpose Driven-singalong' Christianity in my life. What I do need, somehow, is to return to the joy of my salvation; to a wild, wreckless, unhomogonized, 100 proof, burn your throat, make your eyes water, unquentchable faith!"
Thoughts by Kristi on 2/09/2004 1 whatevers
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Do YOU know your lyrics like I know MY lyrics?
This has got to be one of the best 80s music quizzes ever! I scored a 126.5. Top that.

Thoughts by Kristi on 2/03/2004 0 whatevers
Monday, February 02, 2004
Not so super bowl
Well, let's just say I wasn't so much into the SuperBowl as I was into hangout time. So as I was sitting on the couch farthest away from the TV, and quite content to be there, the people around me were constantly changing. And so was my conversation and topics. We went from seeing how many people could pile ontop of my lap, to how many old school lyrics we could remembr (Ice, Ice Baby got Brian up and out of his seat doin' a funky little dance for us all), to swapping road-trip stories with Kelly. At one point Nicole realized that her drawstring didn't go all the way through her pants, just looped in front-as she pulled it out. Well, it became a brand new toy to amuse our imaginations. Immediately we began to play the String Game (or a solo version) that EVERY elementary school girl has played at one time or another. We were just going to it like nothing when we realized there were a few sets of eyes intently watching. Had they REALLY never seen this time-waster before? Were THEY dying to join in the schoolgirl craziness? I'll never know, because a touchdown was scored with much jumping and yelling. Only later did Ryan come over and ask me to show him how to play that game we were playing with the string. We all to happily obliged.
Ahh...being a hangout junkie is all it's cracked up to be. I've missed that status.....
Thoughts by Kristi on 2/02/2004 0 whatevers